1. 時事phone-in節目大受歡迎,必然引起公眾討論和批評;若節目不受歡迎,誰會去注意,遑論引起公眾討論、批評?開辦時事phone-in節目之初,港台管理階層必然預期會有這樣的情況,所以一旦開辦這類節目,港台管理層有為這些節目護航的責任,否則,倒不如不開辦還好。這次受大眾歡迎節目的主持人下馬,港台管理層有護航不周的責任。試問以後誰敢去主持這類節目?即使有人勉強去做主持,都會面對兩難問題:若節目受歡迎,必會引起今天的公眾討論、批評,而管理層隨時會因此犧牲節目主持人;若不受歡迎,節目必然會有改革,而主持人亦有可能被撤換。
2. 為甚麼受歡迎的節目要變革、要撤換主持人,而非不受歡迎的節目才要變革、要撤換主持人?若有人不滿,大可另闢時段讓立場、風格截然不同的人主持時事phone-in節目,讓他們有自己的言論空間,實踐言論自由,維護香港的核心價值,而非撤換受歡迎節目的主持人,變相壓制了言論空間。
港台投訴熱線: 23396331
email : r1@rthk.hk
Please send the following message, drafted by bebumui, by email.
Subject: Complaint against the termination of service of Ng Chi Sum and Chow Yung
Dear Sirs,
I am writing to complain about the reformation in programmes of RTHK Channel 1 which directly causes the termination of service
with Ng Chi Sum and Chow Yung.
I am writing in support of the continuation of the programme " 自由風,自由phone" and " 千禧年代 " which are widely supported by most audience in HK.
I believe that the discontinuation of the mentioned programmes is
implicitly a violation against the majority will of the people of and freedom of speech in HK.
Therefore, we strongly request that the RTHK should respond to the will of the people and cease the abominable action taken against the hosts who are widely loved and supported by the people of HK.
Yours truly,
2011年11月24日 星期四
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